Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I am so happy to see you! You are literally the prettiest day of the week and I always look forward to your 5 o'clock {p.m. that is} alarm letting me know I'll have a couple days to wear whatever I want {or don't want} and act like a crazy gypsy! Thank you!! Dear Oklahoma, your allergies are kicking my butt and it's not appreciated. But thank you for all the rain and lush and pretty! Dear husband, let's go watch The Avengers again!! And can you pleeeeeeease let me hire someone to do family pictures?! The girls won't stop bugging me about wanting to see themselves in their new rhinestone necklaces {collars}! And I need an excuse to go shopping. Dear Cambria {my future niece}, you are 4 days past your due date and driving me crazy! Every time my phone rings or vibrates, I'm convinced you're on your way! But you do have the cutest little heartbeat....I've been listening to it over and over again. I can't wait to meet you!!! You are already so very loved! Dear Technology, thank you for allowing me to hear my niece's heart beat on my cell phone. I'm thinking of making it my ring tone?? Or writing a beat-boxing song. So fly.
Dear Utah, in only a few short days, we will be reunited!!! This will be my first time that you will see Matt and I visiting as husband and wife! Please be nice to him, I'd really like to move back. Oh, and please tell my niece to arrive in time for my arrival. Not all of us have the luxury of living in a uterus for 9 months!

This next week holds so many new adventures! Have I mentioned that my niece is due to arrive?! I'm so in love with that little peanut! I feel like my sister is a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment! Ok, maybe not explode, but I'm not sure what else you would call pushing an 8 lb human out of your fancy lady. Explode is the closest thing I could think of. I can't wait to be her aunt!!! I'm still trying to think of a cool "aunt" nickname, though. I need something that says, "Cool, funny and will give you all the candy you want {before I send you back to your mother}".....suggestions??

Oh and p.s. my best friend took this picture! Pretty awesome, right?! She fly.



Amanda said...

I love your Friday letters! I am excited to follow you!
Found you on the link up today!

Countrylivn' said...

I have been thinking of Rebecca too! It is so frustrating to just wait and wait and WAIT! Have fun on your trip back home!

Lissa @ her + him said...

cute CUTE blog! i love that you read becoming what i always, too. miki is so sweet!

found you via the newlywed link up!!

Lissa @ her + him said...

ps i was wondering if you might want to button swap with me... let me know :)

Tina @ Like Ordinary Life said...

Came across your blog! Love your Friday letters! I've never been to Utah, but it looks like an amazing place to visit! Have fun!

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